Agua Fría De Mar

Rotterdam 2010
Tiger Award
Hong Kong International
Film Festival 2010
San Sebastian International
Film Festival 2010

Agua Fría De Mar

A Film by Paz Fábrega

2010 - France/Costa Rica/Mexico/Netherlands/Spain - Drama - 2.35 DCP - 83 min.

with Adriana Alvarez , Luis Carlos Bogantes & Lil Quesada Morúa

Languages: English , Spanish
Produced by Jean des Forêts , Fernanda Del Nido , Nicolás Celis & Cyriac Auriol

On New Year's holidays, Mariana (21) and Rodrigo (30) drive to the Pacific coast. There, late at night and in the middle of nowhere, they find Karina (7) who ran away from home. The couple decides to stay the night and deal with the situation in the morning. But by dawn, the girl’s gone.

Rotterdam 2010
Tiger Award
Hong Kong International
Film Festival 2010
San Sebastian International
Film Festival 2010

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