FOREST - I See You Everywhere

Berlinale 2021
Official Competition
Berlinale 2021
Silver Bear Acting
Indie Lisboa
Special Mention

FOREST - I See You Everywhere

A Film by Bence Fliegauf

2021 - Hungary - Drama - 1.85

with Laura Podlovics , István Lénárt & Lilla Kizlingers

Language: Hungarian
Produced by Monika Mécs , Ernö Mesterházy & Bence Fliegauf

Seven hypnotic and unpredictable short stories culminate in a psychological kaleidoscope of couples, families and friends, all connected by their common fate. A standalone-sequel to Bence Fliegauf's 2003 festival-hit FOREST.

Berlinale 2021
Official Competition
Berlinale 2021
Silver Bear Acting
Indie Lisboa
Special Mention
Supported by:

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