Amanda Nell Eu

Her short film It's Easier to Raise Cattle premiered in competition at the Venice International Film Festival and received a Special Mention at the International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand. In her work, she explores the female body and identity within the cultural context of Southeast Asia. TIGER STRIPES is her debut feature film and presented at the Critic's Week 2023 in Cannes, the film obtained the Grand Prize.

Tiger Stripes

A film by Amanda Nell Eu

2023 - Malaysia/Taiwan/Singapore/France/Germany/Netherlands/Indonesia/Qatar - Fantasy

The first amongst her friends to hit puberty, Zaffan, 12, discovers a terrifying secret about her body. Ostracized by her community, Zaffan fights back, learning that to be free she must embrace the body she feared, emerging as a proud, strong woman.