Tuesday, After Christmas
A Film by Radu Muntean
2010 - Romania - Drama/Romance - 2.35 DCP - 99 min.
with Mimi Brănescu , Mirela Oprișor , Maria Popistașu & Paul-Szel
Language: Romanian
Produced by Dragoș Vîlcu
Paul is married to Adriana for 10 years. They have a daughter, a car, an apartment and they still seem to be in love. Paul also has an affair with Raluca, a 27-years-old dentist he met 6 months ago. Paul loves both women, but when the two of them meet by chance, he’s forced to make a decision.
Un certain regard
Film Festival 2011
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Commitment Hasan
A film by Semih Kaplanoglu
2021 - Turkey - Drama - 1.85 - 147 min.
Making his living from gardening and farming in the land he inherited from his father, Hasan tries to get rid of the power pole that is going to be installed in the midst of his land. His impending voyage to Mecca for pilgrimage leads to soul searching into his past.
A film by João Pedro Rodrigues
2022 - France/Portugal - Fantasy/LGBT/Musical - 1.85 - 67 min.
On his deathbed, his royal highness Alfredo, King without a crown, is taken back to distant youth memories and the time he dreamt of becoming a fireman. The encounter with instructor Afonso from the fire brigade, opens a new chapter in the life of the two young men immersed in love and desire, and the will to change the status quo.
Los Perros
A film by Marcela Said
2017 - France/Chile - Drama - 1.85 - 94 min.
Mariana is 42 years old, a member of the Chilean upper class that takes privilege for granted. Scorned by her father and neglected by her husband, Mariana still has the means to occupy her days with fertility treatments, running an art gallery and learning to ride a horse. Her riding instructor, Juan, is 20 years her senior, a former cavalry officer known as The Colonel who is under investigation for human rights abuses committed decades before. When Mariana embarks on an affair with her enigmatic teacher, she's directly confronted with the outrages of the dictatorship for the first time and her increasing interest threatens to tear down the invisible walls protecting her family from the past.