Renée Nader Messora

In 2009 Renée Nader Messora met the Krahô indigenous people. Since then, she is working with the community, participating in the mobilisation of a local collective of Krahô filmmakers. Their work is focused in the use of cinema as a tool for self-determination and the strengthening of cultural identity. Her debut feature film THE DEAD AND THE OTHERS (2018), co-directed with João Salaviza was selected in Cannes' Un Certain Regard. Her latest work THE BURITI FLOWER (2023), also in co-direction with João Salaviza, was selected and won the Ensemble Prize at Cannes' Un Certain Regard.

The Buriti Flower

A film by Joao Salaviza & Renée Nader Messora

2023 - Brazil/Portugal - Drama

Through her child’s eyes, Patpro will go through three periods of the history of her indigenous people, in the heart of the Brazilian forest. Tirelessly persecuted, but guided by their ancestral rites, their love of nature and their fight to preserve their freedom, the Krahô never stop inventing new forms of resistance.