God's Offices

Cannes 2008
Quinzaine des Réalisateurs

God's Offices

A Film by Claire Simon

2008 - France/Belgium - Comedy/Drama - 2.35 DCP - 122 min.

with Anne Alvaro , Nathalie Baye , Michel Boujenah & Rachida Brakni

Language: French
Produced by Guillaume Malandrin , Richard Copans , Philippe Carcassonne & Philippe Kauffmann

Djamila would like to be on the pill because her relationship with her boyfriend has become serious stuff now; Zoé’s mother gives her condoms but calls her a whore; Nejma hides her pills outside because her mother searches her bag; Hélène finds herself too fertile; Clémence is scared; Adeline wishes she could have kept it, and so does Margot. Maria Angela would like to know who she’s pregnant by, while Ana Maria has opted for love and freedom. Anne, Denise, Marta, Yasmine, and Milena are the advisers receiving and listening to each of these women as they wonder how sexual freedom can be enjoyed. In God’s offices, you laugh and cry and feel swamped. You dance there, you have a cigarette on the veranda, and you come anonymously to tell the commonplace or unbelievable story of your life.

Cannes 2008
Quinzaine des Réalisateurs

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Devil's Freedom

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